Hadia Rasuly

Event Coordinator

Greetings everyone, This is Hadia from Afghanistan, and currently I am a student at American University of Afghanistan, majoring Business Administration with concentration in Finance. I can Speak Pashto, Persian, Urdu and English. I have experience at Human Resource, Teaching and Business Development positions. Currently, I am working in a private company in Kabul in the position of Business Development. I am very passionate to work in an organization where their focus is to provide educational opportunities for youth. I am very happy to be part of NSDE, and learn a lot from my colleagues and friends, Inshaallah we will together to chart a path for Afghan youth specially Afghan girls to have access to education and NSDe foundation causes them to grow and develop .

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Hadia Rasuly

Event Coordinator

Greetings everyone, This is Hadia from Afghanistan, and currently I am a student at American University of Afghanistan, majoring Business Administration with concentration in Finance. I can Speak Pashto, Persian, Urdu and English. I have experience at Human Resource, Teaching and Business Development positions. Currently, I am working in a private company in Kabul in the position of Business Development. I am very passionate to work in an organization where their focus is to provide educational opportunities for youth. I am very happy to be part of NSDE, and learn a lot from my colleagues and friends, Inshaallah we will together to chart a path for Afghan youth specially Afghan girls to have access to education and NSDe foundation causes them to grow and develop .

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