Aman Islami

Class Organisor

I am Aman Islami and I am an 18th year old student in Zukor Jibrail High School. I am the Co-Founder of Afghan Future Hope, EESD Journalism at Entrepreneur’s Ecole, 12th Grade Student, Youth ambassador, Education advocate volunteer, Manager, an initiative dedicated to supporting education in Afghanistan. As an English teacher and an active advocate for educational opportunities, I am passionate about empowering students and promoting learning. I believe in the power of education to transform lives and create a brighter future for our community.

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Aman Islami

Class Organisor

I am Aman Islami and I am an 18th year old student in Zukor Jibrail High School. I am the Co-Founder of Afghan Future Hope, EESD Journalism at Entrepreneur’s Ecole, 12th Grade Student, Youth ambassador, Education advocate volunteer, Manager, an initiative dedicated to supporting education in Afghanistan. As an English teacher and an active advocate for educational opportunities, I am passionate about empowering students and promoting learning. I believe in the power of education to transform lives and create a brighter future for our community.

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