Farshid Shahin

Web Developer

Farshid Shahin was born in 1964 and graduated from Shahid Beheshti University in software engineering. He started his career as the head of the informatics department at Kimidaro Industrial Company and after that he worked as an informatics manager in several other companies and factories. He is an expert in programming in Pascal, FoxPro, Access, Oracle, etc. He designed and implemented systems such as payroll, accounting, treasury, property, automation, sales warehouse, etc.

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Farshid Shahin

Web Developer

Farshid Shahin was born in 1964 and graduated from Shahid Beheshti University in software engineering. He started his career as the head of the informatics department at Kimidaro Industrial Company and after that he worked as an informatics manager in several other companies and factories. He is an expert in programming in Pascal, FoxPro, Access, Oracle, etc. He designed and implemented systems such as payroll, accounting, treasury, property, automation, sales warehouse, etc.

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